80 more volunteers needed for Denby Park Playground construction

July 30, 2008

80 more volunteers are needed for construction of the Denby Park Playground on Thursday, August 21st. We must have 100 volunteers for this great project to happen. It is a condition of the grant. Please contact: Melinda Luchun at 823-4210 or email CommunityOutreach@norfolk.gov to volunteer.



Portsmouth Sheriff: “What we do is turn up the heat”

July 23, 2008

WVEC 13News has done a story on Portsmouth Sheriff Bill Watson and his Community Enforcement Unit which has had much success in the Cradock area of Portsmouth.  We previously reported on Cradock in our article Cradock is taking Cradock back.  The Sheriff is seeking Portsmouth City Council’s permission to expand the successful program, possibly outside of the City’s borders.

The newsclip reminds viewers that the Partnership meeting this Thursday will include Lt. Cherry with the Community Enforcement Unit of the Portsmouth Sheriff’s office who helped to set up the watch program in Portsmouth.

The 13News video can be viewed here: Community policing cuts crime in Cradock

Laurie Cox, ex-wife of murdered Lt. Todd Cox, asks for your help

July 19, 2008

Todd Cox with his daughter Emily Cox

Pilot Online has reported that Laurie Cox is asking for your help in finding the killer of her ex-husband. Her 10-year-old daughter watched as her father was shot by a stranger on Beverly Avenue near DePaul Medical Center.  Lt. Cox’s 12-yeqr-old son was in a nearby home and heard the shots and the screaming. Laurie Cox needs closure for her children and that is why she needs the public’s help in finding her ex-husband’s murderer.

witnesses told police this much: A man alone in a mid-1990s-model Ford F-150 standard-cab pickup painted white on top and bottom and turquoise in the middle passed the quartet, turned around at the dead-end, returned and stopped next to them. The man exited.

Todd Cox shoved his fiancee out of the way, Laurie Cox said. The assailant shot him repeatedly at close range as the girls – who were up ahead with the dog – sprinted frantically for safety behind a tree. Then the gunman drove off unhurriedly.

Police described the killer as a black man with a medium complexion, 6 feet to 6 feet 2 inches tall with a medium build and a short, natural hairstyle. He wore a light shirt and blue jeans.

Update: 07/20/08



Wards Corner Partnership meeting notice- mark your calendars

July 17, 2008

Greater Wards Corner Partnership

201 E. Little Creek Road (next to Kroger)   7:00 p.m.

Rooms 202 & 204

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Roberts Rules of Order will be followed



1.  Introductions: Please stand and give your name and Civic League.


2.  P.A.C.E. Reports


3.  Guest Speakers:   Ted Lamb from the Craddock neighborhood of Portsmouth to talk with us about the Crime Watch program he help start. Scheduled to speak with Ted is Lt. Cherry with the Community Enforcement Unit of the Portsmouth Sheriff’s office who helped to set up the watch program in Portsmouth.


This meeting will be very informative and will show what happens to crime in a neighborhood when residents and law enforcement work together to reduce crime. Lt Cherry will explain how the program started and the actions from the law enforcement side to help reduce criminal activity. Mr. Lamb will discuss what the residents are doing for their part to reduce criminal activity and how it can work for us also.


Please plan to attend this meeting. As a community, we are the ones responsible for the future of Wards Corner. If we chose to do nothing to help fight crime in Wards Corner and its neighborhoods then we can only blame ourselves for this area’s decline.


4.  Mayor’s Taskforce Update


5.  Committee Reports

                A.  Codes and Public Safety

                B.  Development Committee

                C.  City Connection Committee

6.  Audience Topics for Discussion/ Questions & Answers

7.  Meeting Adjourned

Help the City of Norfolk build a Denby Park playground in one day

July 17, 2008

Please register!

Certificate of Public Need meeting for DePaul postponed

July 11, 2008

According to Pilot Online


A July 18 public hearing has been postponed on health care projects, including a downsized Bon Secours DePaul Medical Center, Michael Byrnes, executive director of Eastern Virginia Health Systems Agency, said this evening.

Byrnes said a new date has not been set. A 30-day postponement was requested by Bon Secours Hampton Roads Health System.

We will post additional information as soon as it is available.


WestPort Commons update

July 11, 2008

Collins, LLC is currently constructing the first building in their redevelopment of the old Riverside Terrace apartments into the new WestPort Commons condominiums (formerly known as WaterMark) at the intersection of Newport Ave and Warren St.  They expect their first building, pictured to the right, to be complete in early October and have received 30-40 inquiries already.

Their second building will be constructed just west of the current construction site in the area that has already been cleared.  The units in the first building average 1500 – 1600sq. ft.  The units in the second building are expected to be smaller so that the price point can be in the sub 200s.   Those schematics have just been started.

The next apartment building that Collins, LLC expects to demolish is the building that fronts Newport Ave that includes the current leasing office.  Demolition is tentatively scheduled for the beginning of 2009.

The realignment of Warren St is in the works as well.  Collins plans on narrowing the street and adding landscaping to reduce concrete and increase green space.

All units are still scheduled to be condos, not apartments.  Collins, LLC will be seeking a rezoning from multifamily to PD (Planned Development).  The stated purpose of this request is so that 20% more units can be built into the development.  Councilman Winn and Councilwoman Whibley have met with the developer and indicated that a condition of any increase in density would be the creation of workforce housing.  The change in zoning will need to be approved by City Council.

The increased density would also include the reduction from 1.9 parking spots per unit to 1.6.  The original plan for the development included a public walkway around the river side of the property.  Complaints from residents at the Landings at Bolling Square, another Collins project, have caused the developer to have second thoughts.

The above information was provided by Collins, LLC via telephone and at the July Wards Corner Taskforce meeting.

Ultimate cost of DePaul will be borne by Norfolk residents

July 10, 2008

Local political blogger, Vivian Paige points out that

Fire Chief Loy Senter brought up the fact that a smaller DePaul hospital with fewer services will result in the routing of emergency patients to a hospital that is further away from them – either Leigh or Norfolk General. That will mean longer wait times for service. Ultimately, Norfolk citizens will have two choices: wait longer or pony up more money for more rescue positions. We all know how that will turn out.

Vivian’s message is the same as ours: Let your voice be heard.  Contact these people and let them know how you feel.

Read Vivian’s entire post for all of her thoughts on the DePaul matter: Depaul removes 30 beds from service

Graffitti meeting scheduled in Denby Park on July 26 10-11a.m.

July 10, 2008

UPDATE July 10, 2008 7:35 p.m.

From: Burley, Galina
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 2:41 PM
Subject: TAG-OUT Graffiti Abatement Pilot Program
Importance: Low

TAG-OUT Graffiti Abatement Pilot Program
To Report Graffiti call 757-664-6510

Graffiti Factoid! The term graffiti comes from the Greek word graphein, which means, “to write”. Graffiti today ranges from simple, one-color monikers (like a nickname), called “tags”, repeated on many surfaces to complex compositions of several colors.

In Norfolk, about 80% of graffiti is tagger graffiti. Graffiti is the most common type of vandalism according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

The most effective way to prevent graffiti is to remove it promptly. While this may be difficult, studies show that removal within 24 to 48 hours results in a nearly zero rate of reoccurrence.



Become a Graffiti Spotter! Report areas and locations of graffiti to the Hotline at 757-664-6510. Please include the address of the tagged site/or the closest intersection.

Stop Vandalism – Get a Reward!

Report graffiti vandals and vandalism through the Graffiti Hotline. Graffiti is a crime and violators can be prosecuted. You may be eligible for a reward.

Volunteer! AND Work with Neighbors

Paint Out events
to paint those areas that are routinely “tagged”. The City will provide paint and materials for these events.

Adopt-A-Location–residents choose a location and agree to maintain it graffiti-free for a minimum of three months.

TAG-OUT Captain–act as community liaison for their area and main contact with City staff to ensure paint supplies and materials are available and to help organize events.

Fro more information call 757-823-4210 or email CommunityOutreach@norfolk.gov

Galina Burley, Bureau Manager
Bureau of Community Outreach
400 Granby, 4th floor
Norfolk VA 23510

web – http://www.norfolk.gov/Neighborhoods/

New playground to be built in Denby Park

July 10, 2008

Red Sector Patrol Division meeting set for Friday

July 7, 2008

The next Red Sector meeting will be July 11, 2008  from 11:00AM to 12:00PM

at the Norfolk Workforce Community Center on E. Little Creek Road.

The speaker will be Harry Kenyon, public relation manager from the Virginia Department of Transportation. 

Mr. Kenyon will speak on such topics as Emergency evacuation, Current projects, Smart Traffic Center and more.

Come have lunch with us this July 11.

Hope to see you there.


Officer Curtis Jackson

MPO Beverly Hubbard

CEO of Bon Secours to meet with Mayor Fraim to discuss DePaul Hospital

July 6, 2008

The CEO of Bon Secours will meet with Mayor Fraim on Monday to discuss the impasse between Norfolk and Bon Secours on their different positions for the number of beds at the new DePaul Medical Center.  The City withdrew its support for a new 64 bed Depaul Medical Center with fewer services in June in favor of a new 134 bed DePaul with more services after receiving the recommended findings of a Northern Virginia consulting firm.

Bon Secours Health Systems website published:

Bon Secours Health System, headquartered in Marriottsville, Maryland, a $2.4 billion not-for-profit Catholic health system, owns, manages, or joint ventures 18 acute-care hospitals, one psychiatric hospital, five nursing care facilities, five assisted living facilities, and 15  home care and hospice programs. Bon Secours’ more than 16,000 caregivers help people  in seven states, primarily on the East Coast.

 At the end of an article on DePaul in the business section of Sunday’s Virginian-Pilot,  the need for a meeting betwen the City and Bon Secours was discussed:

In the end, Holbrook, the advocate for a larger DePaul, wishes the key players would get together with the intent to resolve this disagreement.

“The city needs to sit down with DePaul and Sentara and figure out what the best mix is for Norfolk,” he said.

A meeting of the Friends of DePaul Hospital will be called on Monday afternoon to hear and discuss the outcome of the meeting between Mayor Fraim and Bon Secours. When the time and place of this meeting is announced Monday, www.wardscornernow.com will post the meeting information.

Happy 4th of July

July 4, 2008

Norfolk Collegiate gets new headmaster

July 4, 2008

On Tuesday, June 1, Scott Kennedy became headmaster at Norfolk Collegiate School. Mr. Kennedy succeeds William “Will” King who retired after 20 years of service to the school.

Taskforce Minutes – June 12, 2008

July 4, 2008

Below are the minutes from the June Taskforce meeting.  They are kept by Carlton “Ray” Ransom, Senior Neighborhood Development Specialist.  They can be downloaded in PDF format: Taskforce Minutes – June 2008.

Thursday, June 12, 2008, 8:30 a.m.
Norfolk Wellness and Fitness Center


1.    Present

Harriette Frost        Joan Griffey            Eric Harold    
Lester Cavagwaro        Bob Layton            Ardith Pugh    
Jim English    X    Louis Eisenburg            Bev Sexton    
Dreama Waterfield        Clarence Holmes            Nathaniel Riggins    
Barbara Laws        Marcus Jones            Barclay Winn    
Terry Whibley         Frank Duke             Ray Ransom    

2.    Police Department Report
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