Nutty Buddy’s is closed

Nutty Buddy's is closed

The above sign is taped on the door of Nutty Buddy's

The problematic gay bar, Nutty Buddy’s, at Wards Corner has closed.

Nutty Buddy’s was detailed in an article, excerpts below:

The Nutty Buddy [sic] in Norfolk’s Ward’s Corner neighborhood has become a nightly source of criminal activity, which often spills-over into the streets of the working-class neighborhood.

The club is now a gathering spot for the area’s black transvestite community. Drag queen shows or ‘pageants’ are regularly held at the Nutty Buddy, drawing hundreds of drunken celebrants. Excessive noise, public urination, and fighting are commonplace when the club is open.

During 2008 alone, Norfolk Police records report no less than 50 assaults occurring within a one block radius of the club.

In addition to the usual rowdy behavior seen outside many bars, prostitution has become a major problem for the neighborhood. On any night, scantily-clad transvestite prostitutes can be seen waiting for their next date in front of the closed sub shop next door to the club. Often, they ply their trade in parked cars in the parking lot, and throughout the surrounding neighborhood.

6 Responses to Nutty Buddy’s is closed

  1. beverly says:

    Well it was about time they closed it.

  2. Fifi La Tour de Lala says:

    Drag queens have made a complete loop from the corners of Ocean View Avenue to the wiles of Little Creek Road now in downtown Ward’s Corner.

  3. dee says:

    Amen, one less thing for me to worry about, let’s keep cleaning it up. That’s to second precinct for all they do for wards corner.

  4. Titoroski says:

    What? Really? The gay bar is what’s ruining
    Wards Corner? Stop it! Poor planning and the military did it’s damage long before drag was used for something other than a racing term. Get yourselves together and focus on the big picture people. Don’t allow scapegoat tactics to throw us off of what’s really important.

  5. Velma says:

    Nutty Buddy may be gone but I was awaken by the yelling from the parking lot last night (2am) as the crowd let out of the new club. They closed one club to open a new one and nothing has changed. Maybe just the people who frequent it.

  6. tyra says:

    lmao =[