Graffitti meeting scheduled in Denby Park on July 26 10-11a.m.

UPDATE July 10, 2008 7:35 p.m.

From: Burley, Galina
Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 2:41 PM
Subject: TAG-OUT Graffiti Abatement Pilot Program
Importance: Low

TAG-OUT Graffiti Abatement Pilot Program
To Report Graffiti call 757-664-6510

Graffiti Factoid! The term graffiti comes from the Greek word graphein, which means, “to write”. Graffiti today ranges from simple, one-color monikers (like a nickname), called “tags”, repeated on many surfaces to complex compositions of several colors.

In Norfolk, about 80% of graffiti is tagger graffiti. Graffiti is the most common type of vandalism according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

The most effective way to prevent graffiti is to remove it promptly. While this may be difficult, studies show that removal within 24 to 48 hours results in a nearly zero rate of reoccurrence.



Become a Graffiti Spotter! Report areas and locations of graffiti to the Hotline at 757-664-6510. Please include the address of the tagged site/or the closest intersection.

Stop Vandalism – Get a Reward!

Report graffiti vandals and vandalism through the Graffiti Hotline. Graffiti is a crime and violators can be prosecuted. You may be eligible for a reward.

Volunteer! AND Work with Neighbors

Paint Out events
to paint those areas that are routinely “tagged”. The City will provide paint and materials for these events.

Adopt-A-Location–residents choose a location and agree to maintain it graffiti-free for a minimum of three months.

TAG-OUT Captain–act as community liaison for their area and main contact with City staff to ensure paint supplies and materials are available and to help organize events.

Fro more information call 757-823-4210 or email

Galina Burley, Bureau Manager
Bureau of Community Outreach
400 Granby, 4th floor
Norfolk VA 23510

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